Thursday, January 10, 2013

Weight Watching

If you've ever tried to be on a diet, I'm sure it's no surprise to you when I say: Dieting. Sucks.

Lucky for me, I'm not on a real diet.  Nothing fancy at least.  One of my goals for this year was to eat better than I had last year, and so far, even though we are only ten days in, it hasn't been too bad.  However, today, I couldn't handle it anymore.  I had a bacon double cheeseburger and a hot fudge sundae AND pretzel m&ms.

I don't feel guilty for what I did, like some people on diets do, but now I know I have to work all of that back off =P  so that's my own fault.  I hate diets, I don't feel they're realistic, especially considering I'am always hungry and nothing short of a miniature Thanksgiving dinner can quell the hunger.  But I'm sure that's just me (not).

Either way, that's a small update on how one of the many goals is coming along. Be back Sunday for my RAOK for the week. (Speaking of which, I need to actually pick one off the list x_x)


  1. Diets are set ups for failure. That's why I loved Weight Watchers. It wasn't saying don't eat, it was saying, "Okay, if you want to eat this, you're eating salads with no dressing for the rest of the day. Enjoy that. How about you just have a bite instead? Then you can still have ice cream later."

  2. Exactly.. you know, I've been hearing great things about Weight Watchers.. I may have to check that out..
