Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year

Okay, so now that I haven't posted anything at all in over a year, I have decided that I am going to start blogging way more often, probably on Sundays or possibly a random weekday thrown in at one point or another.  I want to make more use out of my blog instead of just using my account to snoop around at other people's blogs.  What do you think?

I got the idea to do a 365 challenge from a few different sources, but I'm not entirely sure I want to commit to anything that large just yet considering my year without a single post.  I feel like I want some sort of theme attached to this blog, but honestly, I don't think I could keep track of separating all of the different 'themes' into different blogs and keep up with posting in each one at least once a week..  That seems way more stressful than I could hope for.  So, this is probably going to end up in a big mishmosh mess of a page, but it will be my year broken down into (mostly)weekly segments.  I think I can handle 52 posts over an entire year, right?  Right.

I've also been doing more DIY, drawing, makeup, and clothing things, and also super-nerd events like zombie marches and comic conventions, so this year will be full of exciting new things for me, and hopefully you, too.  I have a new sewing machine, my camera, and HOPEFULLY will be working out more so I can stop being such a mush-face.

For now, that's it.  Hopefully someone will read this and possibly get motivated, too, and maybe leave me a comment so that when I just want to take a nap, I know I should actually do something instead =P  Happy New Year!

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