So, there's really no excuse for how long I've been gone. It's been a long 7 months but I'm ready to come back now and get this thing going again. However, I suppose I owe anyone who had been reading this before an explanation of sorts, so here it is..
The reason I stopped writing here was pretty complicated. I was living in Oklahoma with my sister and my brother in law, who recently welcomed my awesome little nephew. I was in a relationship for two and a half years that started to completely fall apart. The distance from the situation as well as anyone to discuss the issues with who knew the guy were extremely straining, in addition to the tensions due to lack of sleep from everyone in the house was too much for me to handle and I was then offered an ultimatum: come back to Connecticut and we fix this, or stay there and we'll call it quits.
In a hindsight kind of way, I stupidly and selfishly quit my job, left my family behind, and went home to try to make things work. I now know how stupid that was, because only two weeks after returning home, the relationship was ended. Done.
We tried to make the end something we could look back on happily for both of us, but after all is said and done, I realize how ridiculous the whole situation was. Regardless, for a while after that, I was mourning the loss of the best friend I had relied on for years and a boyfriend who will more than likely never speak to me again. But to each his own, I suppose.
So, after a more than long enough hiatus, I was working a lot of evenings at a bakery and not really functioning properly. I've met someone new through that job, unexpectedly, and we've been together for 4 months. We've spent an unreal amount of time together, which would explain the lack of posting for the last couple of months, but things are changing now for the better.
So, after a long-winded explanation, I'm ready to start "new". I've been uploading videos to YouTube for a while now, which has taken up a bit of time but I've been having a lot of fun with it and hoping to expand a bit more as I learn things. You can check out my videos (many of them involving my sister, Hannah) by searching DivineMissE on YouTube.
I hope everyone's been doing well the last half-year I've been gone. Let's do this, and welcome back.