Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Things I've Learned from Kaeley

Kaeley has become one of the nearest and dearest friends I've come to know over the past three years now, and now we're moving in together!  She's been my backbone and my other half of crazy for the last few months and I can't thank her enough.  From Kaeley, I've learned that...

  • ...if you have three days off, it's kind of okay to spend all of that time on Pinterest
  • ...putting a ton of things into online shopping carts with no intentions to actually buy them all right now is perfectly acceptable (and keeps your wallet happy)
  • ...booze and baking, so long as mishaps are avoided, go hand-in-hand because everything is more delicious.
  • ...being the boss doesn't mean you will have all the answers, and you shouldn't always have all the answers anyways because then you look like a snob.
  • ...decorating and organizing is really exciting and fun, especially if both people have the same ideas/tastes.
  • ...boyfriends can be left on the sidelines for a while and be perfectly okay while you go out and do things with your lady-friends.  They have video games and other things to do, too.
I cannot tell you how excited I am to move in with Kaeley.  We've been in the processing and packing and planning stages of the move so far and (hopefully) within the next week I'll be in the house!  I hope (and sort of know) she's as excited as I am.  Happy birthday, Kae (on Friday)!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Things I've Learned from Working in a Daycare

  • Learn to be resilient. Don't expect to have a perfect day, expect things to go wrong, and learn how to deal with it when it happens.
  • Little kids are some of the most confusing people on the planet. They can be sobbing and then realize what a beautiful day it is and want to run outside within 0.001 seconds.
  • Schedules are important to avoid meltdowns on normal days.
  • Kids are tough. No, really. I've seen some surprisingly quick comebacks from some brutal take downs. They're also brutally honest.

  • This is probably the only job I will have had that it was completely acceptable to be barefoot.

  • Sometimes, the people you work with will drive you completely insane, but other times they become your strongest support system and the people you enjoy seeing every day .

As I walk out of work on Friday afternoon, I honestly don't now how it's going to work out. I'm sure it will either hit me all at once before I even leave, or it will take me the better part of the next week to realize it.

Over the past two years that I've been a staff member here, I've learned more than I had ever cared to know about wrangling 50 kids between first and third grade, remembered how terrifying and rewarding it is to graduate from preschool and think about starting at the 'big kid school', and at only 21 years old, how bittersweet it is to be on the other end of the spectrum and put my whole preschool class onto the bus for their first day of kindergarten.

It's been an emotional ride for me, hopping from class to class and getting to know the array of teachers, each one of the kids, and most of the parents. I'm surprised to find myself going through the list of things that I'm genuinely going to miss about this job that I never thought I would, like “Bear Hunt” and never seeming to have enough of one thing or another (which was usually when I thought of it at the last second).

Then again I'm less surprised by the things everyone misses when they leave or when the children simply get older and move on, such as the post-nap cuddling, playing Capture the Flag between School Age and TASC, and all the times we found kids and teachers alike laying on the tile floors during the summer because it was just simply too hot to move. Not to mention the little girl that started calling me 'Merica... That's almost too cute to handle.

I can honestly say that this has been the most unique and possibly the most demanding job I've held. Between making baked apples in the microwave with Preschool 1, helping my Preschool 2 class prepare for kindergarten, help the Toddlers figure out how to put on their coats all by themselves and teaching the School Age Kids a few new games, (all while working alongside my older sister, my younger brother, and my mother), I couldn't have asked for a harder, more frustrating, yet rewarding and fun task along with the endless blown kisses and body slams from the kids themselves.

So as I leave, I want to thank everyone for their patience, love, and support over the years (as well as constructive criticism) and for helping me learn as much from you and the children as I hope I taught them in the time I've had with them.

I know it's only been a little more than two years, but you kind of get attached to jobs like this.  I'll definitely be making visits back to see everyone.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 15 and Life Update

Hi!  I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog posts lately...  As I mentioned, I'm in the process of getting ready to move, finding a new job and still working the last one, and was trying to buy a car (which went well!) so needless to say I was really super busy.  Hopefully after April everything will get back to their usual level of crazy and not be the super-high anxiety and rushed level they're at now.

First off, I bought a car!!  It's 2000 Dodge Neon and although the paint is missing in some places, almost everything else about it near-perfect.

My dad hates that he's in this picture =P

Secondly, I've been looking for a new job where I'm moving to, which is an hour away from where I am now.  After filling out five or six online applications (which are horrible), I made my way down to southern Connecticut on Sunday to do actual job hunting.  That was entirely exhausting and took just about the entire day.  BUT!  The second place I went to apply to gave me an application AND scheduled me for an interview so I'm really excited!  Potential dream job, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Between that ordeal, the car and packing, I haven't exactly had much time to do anything but shower and sleep...
What a mess...

I'm both happy and sad that this is my last week at the daycare I work at.  I feel like it's time for me to get out of there, but I've been realizing more and more lately all the things I'm going to miss about it.  There will be a post about it tomorrow if you want to know more about that.

NOW!  The random act of kindness of the week was #48: Make a treat for coworkers.  This past Friday was a coworker's last day at the daycare and she had started this thing called Chocolate Friday when she first came to work with us.  In her honor, my room co-worker (Shannon) and I celebrated her last day with one last Chocolate Friday hoorah.  Shannon bought some chocolate and chocolate glazed donuts and I made brownies for everyone to kick off her last day (and the start of another weekend).

I will be back tomorrow with another Things I've Learned post (I promise!)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 14

#21 - Make a CD for someone.

As you may or may not know, I will be leaving my current job at the daycare and moving down to southern Connecticut.  As a parting gift, I've been putting together a CD or two for my coworker, one for nap time (because believe it or not, the Bedtime with the Beatles CD gets very old after 4 months of continuous play) and one for play time (because On Top of Spaghetti gets stuck in everyones heads too often).

I have yet to actually burn the CDs, but I'm getting pretty close to completing them at this point.  I have almost an hour of sleep sounds (mostly rain and piano/violin) and I just need a couple more songs for the play time CD.  I'm really hoping she likes them enough to use them and switch out the old songs the kids have been listening to for a while now. Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, April 4, 2013