Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ever have those days that start off really well?

I woke up two hours early by accident, went for a walk in the dark, and now I'm making iced green tea before I have to be at work in a little less than an hour.  Also, I got a lot of stuff on the internets done... Checked all of my emails (three different accounts, woohoo) facebook, twitter, tumblr, and a few other things.

Just hoping this energy lasts through the day x_x

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Last Week

This is a fairly accurate depiction of how my week ended last week.

People at work are dumb, bitch that things aren't getting done while they just stand around and I do all of their work, I seem to be getting stuck with that particular person a lot lately, and then an angry hurricane to knock out our power and cellphone service for almost a week.

Not to mention I have a wisdom tooth that is trying to jump ship from the underworld of my gums and into the real world of my mouth.

Needless to say, I wasn't the happiest indoor camper...  But it's a new week, and so far it's not likely to make my eyes and mouth bleed...much.