Monday, April 18, 2011

Here it goes...

I feel like there's some sort of disconnect in my brain...  Like, there's some sort of lapse between reality and the things that happen only in my head or in movies.  I don't know why it happens, but things that happen in reality often feel like they never really happened.  There seems to always be this extremely blurred line between what's real and what isn't real and I lost the ability to keep those things separate.  It's weird, and it's really starting to take a toll on my thoughts and emotions and I don't know what to make of it anymore.  I just don't.  Everything is just a blur now, and I wish I could fix it...  I wish someone could just figure me out and tell me what's wrong with me and maybe have some sort of insight into how to fix it.  But, just knowing what's wrong would be enough, be more than I could ever really ask for.  I'm sorry, this is a serious-business blog post, it's short and slightly upsetting and angry, but I had to get this out...  That's all for tonight, I guess...

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