Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 10

I'm not entirely sure if this one counts because of who it involved, but in my head it still counts.

This week, #9: Give someone home made art, was given to Tom, my 'boything'.  He has been talking about getting a tattoo for a while, and if you have access to my Facebook page, you may or may not have seen that he got his first one (yay!) a little over a month ago.  As those of you with tattoos know, you can't just have one.  It started a whole new addiction in his head, like it does most of us, and now he wants another one before we go up to Boston for Zombie March in May.

Unfortunately, his idea for the tattoo is pretty unique and after several hours of searching and poking around on the internet, we have only found one other person with this particular tattoo.  That being said, someone had to draw it and (even though he draws what are technically blueprints for a living) I volunteered.

So this is the idea, please ignore the spiral in the middle, I have a very shaky hand and I can't draw a nice circular shape to save my life.  Rulers are my friend.  Happy Sunday!

(Speaking of Sunday, who's excited for Walking Dead tonight?  It's going to be INTEEENSE!)

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